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Three types of submission will be accepted for SARMAC 2025:


  1. Symposium

  2. Spoken Paper

  3. Poster


Submitters can indicate that although they prefer one format (e.g. spoken paper) they will accept an invitation to present in the other (e.g. a poster) if space in their preferred format is not available. 


Submissions are to be made by the presenting author of the proposed paper/poster, and that person will also serve as the corresponding author. You may make more than one submission but in all likelihood, each author will only be allocated one oral presentation.


Symposium Submissions (Deadline: Extended to 1st November 2024)


A symposium is a focused session in which individual speakers present their research on a common issue. Symposia should have the dual goals of providing diversity of perspective and integrating those perspectives into a meaningful whole. A symposium includes three to four presenters (one of whom will also act as session chair), and may also include a discussant (optional). Symposia are scheduled in 80-minute time slots and should allow for discussion among presenters and the audience. 


To submit a symposium, please enter the following information directly into the submission portal:

  • Symposium Title (required): The title should be descriptive as this will be listed without the abstract on many convention materials and attendees often build their convention schedules based on titles.

  • Organizer Information:

    • Symposium Organizer/session chair (required)

      • Name, E-mail Address, & Affiliation

    • Symposium Co-Organizer (optional)

      • Name, E-mail Address, & Affiliation

  • Abstract Describing the Symposium (100 word maximum)


Additional Symposium information

Please download, complete and upload the Additional Symposium Information Template to the submission portal. The additional information required in the template is listed below. 


  • Supporting Summary (700 word maximum, plain-text format)

    • The summary should provide the background and rationale for the symposium, and explain what each speaker will contribute to the overall discussion of the topic.

    • Please include a brief outline of the planned timing for your symposium, including time for questions and audience engagement. For example, if there are 5 speakers, you might allow 15 minutes per speaker (including Q&A). If there are 4 speakers, you might allow 15 minutes per speaker plus additional time for Q&A, either after each talk or at the end of the session. Symposia must not overrun the 80 minute timeslot.


  • Presenter Information:

    • Presenters 1, 2, & 3 (required)

      • Name, Affiliation, Co-Authors (5 maximum), Presentation Title, & Abstract (100 word maximum)

    • Presenter 4 (optional)

      • Name, Affiliation, Co-Authors (5 maximum), Presentation Title, & Abstract (100 word maximum)

    • Discussant (optional)

      • Name, Affiliation, Co-Authors (5 maximum), Presentation Title, & Abstract (100 word maximum)


​​Paper/poster submissions (Deadline: Extended to 1st of December 2024)


To submit a paper/poster submission, please provide the following information:


  • Presenter name, affiliation and email address

  • SARMAC membership (Select from list)

    • Professional member

    • Professional non-member

    • Student member

    • Student non-member)


  • List of co-authors (up to 5)

  • Title

  • Abstract (max. 150 words)

  • Preferred format (spoken paper/poster)

  • Topic (select from list)

    • Ageing 

    • Attention/Perception

    • Clinical Psychology

    • Culture/Cross-Cultural Studies 

    • Educational/Teaching

    • Language

    • Memory (autobiographical)

    • Memory (false memory)

    • Memory (general)

    • Forensic (eyewitness) 

    • Forensic (other)

    • Misinformation/Disinformation  

    • Meta-Science 

    • Social Cognition

    • Other

Submission Deadlines

Call for Submissions

15th of July 2024

Submission Closes for Symposia

Extended to 1st of November 2024

Submission Closes Talks & Posters

Extended to 1st of December 2024

Acceptance Notifications

January 2025

End of Early-Bird & Author Registration

1st of April 2025

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